This year's show focuses on friendship as Elmo, Grover, Abby Cadabby, and their Sesame Street friends welcome Chamki, Grover’s friend from India, to Sesame Street. Together, they explore the universal fun of friendship and celebrate cultural similarities, from singing and dancing, to sharing cookies!
Sesame Street Live has 7 show times at CONSOL Energy Center!
Friday, January 9th: 10:30am / 6:30pm
Saturday, January 10th: 10:30am / 2pm / 5:30pm
Sunday, January 11th: 1pm / 4:30pm
Order tickets online here or at the Dick's Sporting Goods Box Office at CONSOL Energy Center, all Ticketmaster locations including select Giant Eagle locations, and Ticketmaster Charge-By-Phone at 1-800-745-3000.
We have 20 tickets to giveaway - 5 families will each win 4 tickets!
Your tickets will be left at Will Call with the show time of your choosing.
Go here to enter:
I was given tickets in exchange for promotion, however, all opinions remain my own.
We love Elmo in our house!
Our grandkids love Sesame Street, especially Elmo and Cookie Monster and would love to see this show Live! Thanks for all the awesome things you do for your subscribers!
Cookie monster
Abby's pretty big in our house... My daughter would love to go!
My daughter loves Elmo.
My 4year old daughter loves Cookie Monster.
My little would love this!
Looks like so much fun!!! Happy new year!!!!
She adores Elmo or as she says it Melmo.
We love all the sesame street characters!
My favorite is Oscar
My little guy is an Elmo fanatic!
my little one will love elmo
Elmo for sure! But she loves Cookie Monster and Abby too!
My 2 year old son loves "Ha Ha" (the count) and also Cookie Monster! My girls ... not so much :)
We are all about Elmo and Cookie Monster in our house!
Cookie monster
Cookie Monster is her favorite!
I think I would enjoy this as much as my kids! Lol Love Seasame Street!
We would love to take our daughter to see abby "dabby"
We love Sesame Street in our house.
He's only 1 year old, so it's hard to tell whom he likes best, but he really likes to clap along with Elmo's Letter of the Day song.
My 3 year old loves Bert & Ernie
Our favorite is Cookie Monster!
We love Abby, elmo and cookie monster!!!!
Sesame Street live is an awesome show!
Elmo is the favorite, followed closely by big bird and Cookie Monster!
So cool!
We love all of Sesame Street!
Elmo of course is my daughters favorite. My favorite was alway Grover.
We love Elmo in our house!
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