Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A mom's new best friend: Little Helper

We love living in Pittsburgh, but the one thing that we don't have living here is family. With young children, it is often hard to ask people when you are need in a helping hand. Everyone I know is crazy busy and I always feed bad imposing on someone else! There are caregiver sites and I know they have some amazing sitters to offer, but truly, those are just out of our budget. Although there has been a wave of apps for moms that have recently flooded the market,  Little Helper, definitely caught my eye with its unique features. When Little Helper Founder (Paul Burke) began to have kids, he noticed the unique role that many moms hold.  They are running the household, planning the family schedule, and managing the kids’ schedules. He knew his wife was in need of a system to help her successfully create the network of support as she juggled all of these details and so Little Helper was created. Read more about the passion Paul has in empowering the chief household operator here!

What is Little Helper?

Little Helper is a service to help the Chief Household Officer (mom!) and her family better coordinate with their most trusted support resources. We help families build what we call “essential networks”. These networks are made up of the small set of people you’d trust to help in your home with your most precious assets—your children. Our goal is to make it easy for these micro-community members to efficiently get and give support from trusted resources by streamlining the request process.

First, set up an account and then add the emails for those people that are your go-to contacts when you have a need. Rather than sending a personal message to someone, you can send out your request to your network and it gives your helpers the option to respond if they are available.
Example....."I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, would anyone be willing to watch my kids from 9-11am?" or "Mommy and Daddy are in need of a date night, anyone up for a swap?"

A few events that Little Helper can make easier:
o Date nights
o Sudden emergencies
o Special events
o Scheduled childcare
o Household events

This program can also be used for non-kid related requests such as dog-walking, house-sitting, barter offers + much more!

At this point, Little Helper is completely separate from any social media sites. They want to ensure that people keep the feeling of trust and safety and that their requests are kept private. There is also the Give & Get aspect. If you build your network, share your relationships and offer to help others, you increase the likelihood of getting help when you need it!

Step 1: Build Your Essential Network

Step 2: Ask for Help

Step 3: Find Ways to Help Others

Little Helper is currently in its testing phase, so right now it is completely free! Go create an account, start adding your helpers, and breathe a little easier at the ease of asking for help.

I'm truly excited about using this tool with my friends around me!  Not only to get a hand when I need it, but so I can help out my sweet friends when they have a need as well. So often we don't even know that someone is in need of some help. I hope this system will give moms the freedom to ask when they need it, knowing that we can reciprocate to those around us as well!

Learn more about Little Helper:
Blog: http://littlehelper.co/blog/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littlehelperco
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littlehelperco/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/littlehelperco


This post sponsored by Little Helper and The Motherhood. All opinions remain my own as I don't endorse companies I don't love!

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