Sunday, May 24, 2015

Northwood for Moms

It can be very challenging to get by on one income these days and it seems like many moms I know have some kind of side business in the works. Many moms want the flexibility to be home with their children, but still find ways to bring in a little extra income. Moms are awesome multi-taskers, so whether they are a blogger, have an etsy shop, teach a class or sell some type of product, moms know how to make it happen!

I was recently invited to be a part of an event called Northwood for Moms, sponsored by Northwood Realty. They brought together some of their wonderful mom real estate agents, along with The Motherhood and many local bloggers. That was a LOT of passion and drive in one room, I tell ya. :)

We had a lot of discussion around what gives us the energy to pursue our passions as well as how we all strive to balance work + family. I have never considered being a real estate agent, but if I ever needed a full time job, it is definitely something I would put at the top of my list as an option! The Northwood mom real estate agents all shared the great benefits they experience in their job. The top two reasons they all agreed that it was the best job EVER? Flexibility + the sky is the limit on your salary! Several of these Northwood moms had special needs children and they couldn't say enough about how thankful they were to have the option of scheduling their hours around any of their kids appointments or activities.  

 Tom Hosack, president of Northwood Realty, has gone out of his way to make his company a great place for moms to work. My favorite quote of the night from him, "it's a mom's world!" He knows that moms make amazing real estate agents and he makes sure his company is a place they want to work. This is certainly not the case for many companies! Some moms in attendance, who are employed other places, certainly attested to the difference.

This mother-daughter team was dynamic! Celeste grew up with her mom working as a real estate agent and remembers waiting in the car doing homework during showings or helping at open houses. Now her mom is retired, but Celeste continues in her footsteps as a real estate agent of her own. What a great benefit to have so many years of advice and experience to learn from her mom!

Are you considering a career path or a working option that gives you flexibility for your family? Watch this video below, I met each of these ladies and they really are fantastic! Then head to Northwood for Moms to see how it might be a great fit for you!

This post sponsored by Northwood for Moms. However, all opinions remain my own. Photos used by permission courtesy of  Apple Box Studios. 

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