Thursday, October 14, 2010

Clothing & Toy Swap!

The first semi-annual Pittsburgh Toy Lending Library KidStuff Toy and Clothing Swap is happening on
October 20 from 5-9 pm.
This is a fun opportunity to clean out those closets and toy chests. Come early if you need to bring your kids (they can play in the play space while you shop) or come later without them for grownup socializing and leisurely browsing.
To participate, please collect toys and clothes that are still in good shape but ready to find a new home and put them in reusable or paper grocery bags. Label the bags with your name and bring them in to the Toy Library by October 19 during operating hours (until 2:30 pm). When you come in, you’ll need to pay the entrance fee and receive a receipt to participate. Bring your receipt on October 20 and we’ll give back your bags so that you can fill them up with clothes and toys you want to take home.

Date: October 20
Time: 5-9 pm
Place: Pittsburgh Toy Lending Library (5401 Centre Avenue, in the basement of the First United Methodist Church)
Entrance Fee: $5 for volunteer members, $7 for non-volunteer members, $10 for non-members

So bring in those clothes that don’t fit and toys that your kids never got excited about. You are sure to find something great at the swap and hang out with other thrifty parents. Don’t forget the chance to swap last year’s Halloween costumes! Any questions, or if you would like to help with this event, please email Olivia Wells at
Learn more about the PTLL at!

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