Thursday, May 27, 2010

Get Your Bike On

Beyond Bikes Day May 29, 2010

Location: Kingsley Association Community Center, 6435 Frankstown Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Date: 5/29/2010

Time: noon until 3 pm

Description: Centered at the Kingsley Association Community Center, the Pittsburgh Major Taylor Cycling Club, in conjunction with their Tour of the ‘Hood, will provide cycling basics rides, some of which will go through six East End neighborhoods.

Beyond Bikes Day will showcase some of the bike lanes in Pittsburgh’s East End and help families by providing new opportunities to get outside together. Rides of three different lengths, all under 30 minutes long, will leave every 20 minutes. Riders are encouraged to bring their own bikes and helmets, but a limited number of loaner bikes will also be available. Raffle prizes, including kids’ bikes and biking gear, will be given away at the end of the event. For kids with their own bikes or who are curious to learn, bike safety inspections will be provided by Bike Pittsburgh and Free Ride Youth Programs. This is a FREE event.

verbiage courtesy of Bike Pittsburgh.

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